Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hello Wellsville 2nd ward! Many of you already know me and my darling daughter Ellie, isn't she soooo talented. I'm posting today to let you know that I will begin teaching piano lessons this fall. I have played myself since I was six years old and have 12 years teaching experience. I participated in numerous competitions and events at Utah State University when I took lessons there for approximately five of those years. I charge $30/ month, which includes four thirty-minute lessons. I am also a half-day teacher at Willow Valley Middle School and have taught school for eight years now. Give me a call if you are interested 770-6114, or e-mail me at hollystreaker1@yahoo.com. You could also just leave a comment for me on the blog. Feel free to spread the word to other friends in town as well.

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